
Samaire Armstrong

Penelope Cruz
Keira Knightley
Paz Vega
Shania Twain
Denise Richards
Bridget Moynahan
Katherine Heigl
Jennifer Connelly
Holly Valance
Jaime Pressly
Alyssa Milano
Rachel Weisz
Rachel Bilson
Samaire Armstrong
Eva Longoria
Christina Milian
Lindsay Lohan
Nicky Hilton
Paris Hilton
Michelle Pfeiffer
Scarlett Johansson
Tori Spelling
Zhang Ziyi
Rachel McAdams
Sienna Miller
Tara Reid
Ashlee Simpson
Nicole Richie
Neve Campbell
Jessica Simpson
Anna Faris
Reese Witherspoon
Anna Kournikova
Gabrielle Union
Heather Graham
Kate Bosworth


Full Name: Samaire Rhys Armstrong


Nickname: Sasa


Height: 5’5” (1.65m)


Date of Birth: October 31st, 1980


Current Age: 25


Star sign: Scorpio


Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan


Eye Colour: Brown


Piercings: Ears


Favourite Clothing: Vintage clothing, jewellery & skirts


Education: Sedona Red Rock High School

                   University of Arizona


Celebrity Relationships: Aaron Paul (Actor)


Occupation: Actress & Designer



Rise (2006) playing Jenny

It’s a Boy Girl Thing (2006) playing Nell

Just My Luck (2006) playing Maggie

Stay Alive (2006) playing Abigail

Dark Wolf (2003) playing Josie

111 Gramercy Park (2003) playing Carly Wilson

Would I Lie to You? (2002) playing Sophie

Not Another Teen Movie (2001) playing Kara Fratelli


Her Family History: Samaire was born in Japan to American parents. The family lived there for several years before moving to Hawaii and later to Arizona. Samaire’s name is pronounced “Sah-mee-rah” but her parents pronounced it “Sam-air” for several months before being taught how to say it in proper Gaelic form. Samaire means ‘dawning Sun’ in Gaelic.


Interesting Facts about Samaire:


*      In high school, Samaire played volleyball for 2 years before turning her attention to acting, she was then cast in all of her high school’s productions including ‘The Hobbit’

*      She was enrolled at the University of Arizona for a year to do a major in costume design & theatre, but she dropped out because of the University’s policy of barring freshman from involvement in productions

*      Samaire has her own fashion label NARU meaning “becoming” in Japanese

*      Ranked #55 on Maxim magazine’s “Hot 100 of 2005” list

*      Samaire is best known for her role as Anna Stern on “The O.C”

*      When  Samaire was 5 years old & living in Japan, she trained in the martial arts

*      Samaire loves Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen

*      She loves to receive fragrance as presents and especially loves candy scents, like vanilla & chocolate

*      In high school, she made her own clothes

*      Most of her acting roles have been on TV shows

*      She is currently dating Kevin Banek


Samaire’s Personal Quotes:


"When I was growing up, we had doughnut Sunday. We'd go and get doughnuts or croissants. Now I try not to eat that many sweets, but at least I can smell them!"

"It [DuWop Lip Venom] makes your lips all fizzy, like they're on fire. I thought it'd be funny to use it in a kissing scene, but I thought the guy might freak out."

"Sometimes you're so tired, you just wanna light some candles and soak in a tub. That's pure heaven!"

"I save my craziness for a New Year’s or a Fourth of July and everyone is in anticipation because they know what’s about to happen. The end of the night is the worst. I always end up by the toilet."

"Colours and fabric bounce my imagination around . . . I may see something pink and be inspired to create something blue."

"One of my friends makes duck tape wallets in his free time. You wouldn't believe how those wallets are catching on! He should really start a business selling them!"


"My home is my dream utopia. I surround myself with things that inspire me — pictures, magazine clippings."

"I am pretty impulsive. My judgments are based entirely on instinct. I have a lot of strong feelings, which impact both my designing and acting."